Short Scar Arm Lift Recovery Maryland Washington DC
Let me ask you Dr. Richards, is there any down time involved with this procedure? I like to keep patients’ elbows below their shoulder level for about 6 weeks. They can still bend at the elbow and wash their hair but I don’t want them raising their arms upward such as putting plates on an upper shelf. So after 6 weeks everything is back to normal? It takes about 2 more weeks for patients to start doing range of motion exercises before they regain full use and extension of their arm. And are there any follow up visits required? Initially I see the patients frequently in the office, particularly the first 3 or 4 weeks. After that they have a follow up at 6 weeks, usually a follow up at 3 months, 6 months, and then a year at which point they’re discharged from my care. How safe is this procedure? Rocko fortunately I haven’t had any severe complications from this procedure. You have a small percentage of patients who are not fully satisfied with the results or have a scarring that’s a bit unfavorable but I would say well over 95% are pleased that they did the procedure. And are there any side effects? No real side effects other than of course it is surgery, there are risks involved with surgery and anesthesia, and you will have a scar. Is the scar noticeable? That’s the beauty of the short scar arm lift. In most positions, resting and in motion, the scar is not visible because the scar is confined to the armpit and maybe to half an inch of skin around the armpit.