Short Scar Arm Lift Gallery Maryland Washington DC
And I believe you have some before and after pictures that you’re gonna show us. can you please describe them? Sure. In this first set of slides you see a patient holding her right arm out. The upper slide shows a before picture, the bottom slide shows her result after a year. On the second set of slides the upper pictures shows the back of a woman’s arm, that’s her left arm, and the bottom again is a year out showing the post operative results. On these third set of slides I took a close-up picture of the scar in the armpit two years out from surgery. Now the patients that we’ve seen so far have had a mild to moderate deformity of their upper arm that they complained about. This final set of photographs shows patients that have a more severe deformity with their upper arms. And you can see on the pictures on the right the result 1-4 months after minimal incision brachioplasty.